
5 Airport Outfit Mistakes That Are So Easy to Make

When I was little, I wanted to be a tourist. In my defense, it was listed, inexplicably, as a viable career in a picture book I had about jobs, and I thought it looked like a hoot. The cartoon couple wore matching Hawaiian shirts (and tans), clutched cocktails, and had their cameras ready. Most importantly, they sported huge smiles. Even in a kid’s picture book, they looked happier than, say, the accountant or doctor. When my mom gently tried breaking the news, I shrugged it off. I had picture proof! Besides, I’d taken my first flight at eight months. If anything, I’d gotten a head start on my dream career.

Years have passed, the bubble since broken, and while I’m not a tourist (nor am I a travel blogger or photographer), I am a seasoned flyer. Airports can be a dreary place, no doubt, but getting on a plane excites me, and picking out a travel outfit downright delights me.

But even with hundreds of thousands of miles under my belt, I’m not immune to blowing my travel look. I’ve been too hot, too cold, unfathomably uncomfortable, and although I’m loathe to admit it, held up a few security lines. But you live, you learn, and you board your next flight.

See how I’ve course-corrected and fine-tuned my travel outfits to be TSA approved.

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