Tracy Anderson Talks Turning 50 and Her Viral Fitness Method
In 2025, as microtrends whiz by us at record speed, cultural longevity seems to be the real flex. The trailblazers that have shared with the world a new way of thinking — or in Tracy Anderson's case, a new way of moving — are the ones that last. Turns out, yes, the algorithm age still has space for the paradigm shifters — and Anderson's multigenerational following maintains that unique balance of loyal fans and newcomers, all filling her studios to the brim. She's managed to biohack relevancy, just by being Tracy.
Anderson's OG status and stamina is no small feat, though. More than twenty-five years ago, she burst onto the scene as a professionally trained dancer turned movement maestro and body designer through her creation, the Tracy Anderson Method. With Anderson's original choreography and targeted muscle work, she changed the fitness landscape, all while cultivating an impressive roster of celebrity devotees including Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Olivia Wilde — just to name a few.
Don't get the hype? Step inside one of Tracy Anderson's studios and the sweaty alchemy is inescapable. After moving my way through a handful of her MYMETHOD and Intermediate Muscular Design classes — fifty minutes of vigorous movement in a room heated to a sweltering 95 degrees with 75 percent humidity — I found myself utterly captivated.
But how does she continue to thrive? In light of Anderson's 50th birthday, I decided to sit down with the fitness mogul to get her thoughts on longevity, the fitness landscape today, and her wellness tips for the rest of us mere mortals.
On Aging:
50 is a big birthday. I have gratitude for the focus I've had for many years. That focus and staying true to my core values and my creative process has shown me that when you pursue your passions for the right reasons and in the proper way you yield huge gains for your life.
50 is also a year that can be a challenging year for many people, especially women — but I feel empowered. I feel so good in my body, in my truth, and in myself at 50. It makes me more amped to get my message out to cast a wider net of what I do because I feel this good. I'm not searching for beauty hacks or surgeries to feel better; I genuinely feel great and complete.
On Fitness Trends:
I think current trends often capitalize on people's pain points and are disguised as something fun and engaging. When I grew up in the '80s — trends felt more enjoyable. They were more about self-expression.
Now, it seems like trends seem to play on people's insecurities and undermine individuality. They appear to be driven by a blatant desire for profit. I feel fortunate that when Gwyneth Paltrow shared me with the world, it wasn't about jumping on a money-making bandwagon; it was about her desire to share my life's work, which she genuinely believed could help others. It was an authentic exchange. Today, the landscape of the celebrity endorsement world is rampant. The more people try to make it look like it's something that's real, the more disturbing it is. It's hard to find the exhale and the peace in all of it.
On Authenticity and Integrity:
The way that I create for the community is intentional. I can proudly say that I could still sell the very first DVD that I published 25 years ago in confidence knowing it will help improve others lives. I'm also hesitant about jumping on trends. You'll never catch me making that Reel with mouth taping, carrying my kid off to school, drinking my green juice, doing my workout, and then dressing up in a fabulous outfit and going out. You will never see me do that. I think it's so far from what life is meant to be like and flow like. It's not authentic.
On Her New Fragrance:
The perfume industry is super toxic and dirty and I love scents. I met this perfumer, Florie Tanquerel, and she makes the most beautiful clean scents. My latest launch, Spring Break Sweat is not only clean, but it's inspired by my love of nostalgia, spring break, and the sun and the smell of coconut and tanning oils. I love it.
On Her Health:
When health genuinely aligns with core values, you will walk the walk. I believe that our health can handle the truth, but cannot thrive on lies. I am honest and refuse to lie to myself. Moving my body is the key to longevity.
As I mature in this space, I've chosen not to eat four-legged animals. I'm mindful of avoiding dairy and processed foods. I enjoy a glass of wine, but only if I'm genuinely savoring it with someone else. Alcohol is a toxin and I'm not going to drink excessively. I also approach my health with fluidity because that's how life unfolds. If I don't get a good night's sleep, I take proactive steps to ensure I have a restful night the following day.
On Advice For Others:
In your 40s you start to reap the rewards of the positive investments you made in your 20s and 30s.
You can also drive yourself a bit mad if you hang on to things that didn't work out. Many struggle to let go of that fairytale they were sold: the perfect marriage, children, and home. When these things might be too much of a burden on your health and truth to try to fight for, it's easier to accept the reality of what they've become.
My advice for you is to live your truth and know yourself. Be open, be direct, and be good to yourself. Show up fully, but know when to retreat. Know your bandwidth, know your magic. Know what you want to plug into and plug out of.
On Her Motto:
I always tell my kids, “You're not better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.” It's important to recognize that we don't sit above or below others; rather you want to sit next to others in this world.
On Longevity:
I don't inject anything into my body. I take a multivitamin solely because I'm vegan and want to make sure I'm getting enough vitamin B. But I assure you, I don't follow the myriad of longevity trends that others swear by.
I also prioritize fluidity. While I maintain a vegan diet, I allow myself flexibility; for instance, during a recent visit to a Thomas Keller Restaurant my body craved branzino, so I ordered it.
For me, longevity, which has been my mission for the past 25 years, is all about creating balance where there is imbalance. In today's top down world, most people struggle to tune into their bodies and are only listening to their minds.
That's why I created my weighted energy trainers Heartstone — so that people can put something in their hands designed for grounding and slow movement, helping people begin to listen to what their bodies are saying.
When you truly hear your body, you won't resort to drastic measures. Inject this, get a facelift, get this surgery, get that surgery. People can be so quick with their minds and so desperate to be young. Aging means you're still living — I am not afraid of it. I don't envy youth.
On Her Viral Method:
I believe the fitness industry can be one of the most abusive influences on our bodies which is why I resist being pushed into that box. Dance, in contrast, is one of the most healing forms of movement and has been crucial to our survival. Historically, communities that have faced trauma have relied on art and movement for healing and advancement. It's incredibly wise of humanity to return to our primal forms of movement — and I'm not talking about someone yelling at you to bench press, run faster, or do crunches to get your abs to look a certain way — that's not positive movement to me.
That's why I refrain from talking during my method. I guide you through dynamic choreography that encourages expression. Yes, I understand the human body and its muscular and neural association. But what drives me is the creative and cleansing process that unfolds when you allow your body to move without interruption. This unencumbered movement is the most healing thing you can do. Life is a dance. It's a pivot and movement is my non-negotiable. I need it to maintain flow state.
On Copycats:
That's a wellness trend I wish would go away: People stealing my life's work and not giving me credit for it. It's a terrible thing to do to a woman who founded something. People that genuinely care about well-being would not harm someone else's well-being to further themselves.
Micaela English (she/her) is a lifestyle writer based in Brooklyn who's passionate about travel trends, beauty, sobriety, and wellness-based longevity. Micaela spent six years as an editor at Town & Country and has since written for Vogue, Glamour, Oprah Daily, The Zoe Report, Bustle, Well+Good, Quest, and more.