
Between Larry David and Chloë Sevigny, It Was a Huge Week for Curmudgeons

Haters, rejoice! This week we saw famous kvetchers Chloë Sevigny and Larry David publicly beef with popular, albeit non-human adversaries. Both highly opinionated actors aired their grievances with varying degrees of success, but nevertheless remained steadfast in their convictions. And for that, we can only applaud them.

While making the rounds to promote Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, Sevigny, who plays C.Z. Guest on the Ryan Murphy-created series, gave something of a state of the union address about New York City. “Everybody’s in Lululemon and has a fucking dog and it’s driving me crazy,” she told Rolling Stone. Aware of her generally unpopular opinion, Sevigny went on to pre-emptively apologize—but not without doubling down on her statement. “I’m sorry, dog lovers. There are too many of you.”

While loving dogs may be one of the only areas of common ground left in this tattered country, Sevigny’s pronouncement seemed to resonate. Even if people didn’t agree with her anti-dog stance, they could at least appreciate that she spoke her truth. “chloe sevigny should run against eric adams!!!!!!!!” one person tweeted. “She’s so real for this,” another added

Contrasting with Sevigny’s cool apathy toward the city’s athleisure-wearers and dog owners, on Thursday David unleashed a fiery assault on Elmo—as in, the Muppet—live on The Today Show. In a Curb Your Enthusiasm plot come to life, ahead of his own segment later that morning, David ran onto the show’s set and throttled the beloved puppet while the cohosts looked on in horror. (Elmo was on the show to discuss mental health after an innocuous tweet—“Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?”—triggered a mass outpouring of online angst and despair.) “Larry, you’ve gone too far this time,” Savannah Guthrie scolded. 

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