
Venus In Libra Is Here & Your Love Life Will Intensify

This time around, Venus in Libra will face several astrological challenges. Primarily, the connection Venus will make to the South Node of Destiny in Libra on November 29 and the square to Pluto in Capricorn on December 3. When Venus links up with the South Node, it will bring out the negative aspects of the planet and the sign. Exhaustion, laziness, frustration, codependency, overindulgence, and love sickness may consume our hearts and minds. The fraught aspect to Pluto will bring out power struggles, triangular situations, desires, secrets, and jealousies in relationships and friendships. Also, the minor frustrations that Venus in Libra is facing with Saturn in Pisces on November 8 will make us feel insecure, Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on November 16 heightens our energy, Uranus retrograde in Taurus on November 26 shakes up our love lives, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on November 30 will bring out our confusion about the future of relationships and sentimentality for the past. The good news is that we have the chance to heal relationships and learn from our past mistakes as we move forward.

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