Product Review Package – For Visibility, Branding and Sales

Are you looking to promote your brand, products or deals to our followers? Our new product review package is your best choice, designed to help your company gain visibility and achieve your marketing goals.

Product Review Package – For Branding, Visibility, and Sales

Do you have an outstanding product you’d like to introduce to our audience? Are you hosting an amazing Black Friday sale that you want the world to know about? Whether you’re seeking assistance with market education or simply want a boost in branding, our product review package can support all these needs and more.

Our product reviews are conducted by experienced writers. All we require from you is to send us product samples, some high-quality images, and a Certificate of Analysis (COA). We will handle the rest, crafting a professional product review that will be published in Cannadelics and, at no extra charge, featured in The PsychoActive Newsletter, our product-focused newsletter distributed every Thursday at 11 am EST.

If you’re confident in your product’s quality, our review service is exactly what you need!


  • 1 Product Review: $1250 per product (includes one complimentary feature in The PsychoActive Newsletter)
  • 2 Product Reviews: $1000 per product, $2000 total (includes two complimentary features in The PsychoActive Newsletter)
  • 5 Product Reviews: $750 per product, $3750 total (includes five complimentary features in The PsychoActive Newsletter). This option is your Best choice, offering unparalleled value!

For more details, please contact us or use the form below. Don’t delay, as availability is limited.

Elevate Your Brand with Cannadelics’ Product Review Package

In the competitive cannabis and psychedelic product market, distinguishing your brand and educating consumers is crucial. Our Product Review Package offers an innovative solution to these challenges, enhancing brand awareness and driving sales.

Our Product Review Package Offers:

  • Professional Reviews: Our seasoned writers deliver unbiased, in-depth reviews, emphasizing your product’s unique features and benefits.
  • Broad Reach: Reviews are published in Cannadelics magazine and featured in The PsychoActive Newsletter, our weekly product-focused newsletter, ensuring wide visibility.

Why Choose Us?

  • Brand Visibility and Trust: Our expert reviews build credibility and trust, key to driving sales and fostering loyalty.
  • Market Education: We provide valuable insights into your product, creating an informed customer base.
  • Tailored Strategies: Understanding the uniqueness of each product, we develop customized marketing strategies.


  • 1 Review: $1250/product (includes a feature in The PsychoActive Newsletter)
  • 2 Reviews: $1000/product, $2500 total (two features in The PsychoActive Newsletter)
  • 5 Reviews: $750/product, $3750 total (five features in The PsychoActive Newsletter). If you have more than two product, then choose this one.

The PsychoActive Newsletter: Your Gateway to Engaged Consumers

Distributed every Thursday at 11am EST, our newsletter targets consumers actively seeking the latest in Cannabis and Psychedelics, significantly influencing their purchasing decisions. Get a free placement when choosing the product review package.

Subscribe to The PsychoActive Newsletter

In summary, Cannadelics’ Product Review Package is more than just a review; it’s a comprehensive marketing solution that enhances brand visibility, educates the market, and drives sales through expert analysis, narrative storytelling, and targeted, multi-channel exposure. This package is an invaluable tool for any brand looking to solidify its presence in the competitive cannabis and psychedelic product market.

Don’t wait, as availability is limited. Contact us or use the form above and secure your placement in our The PsychoActive Newsletter today!

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