
What I Learned Visiting a Therapeutic Fasting Retreat

My initial impression was rather puzzling—was this a hotel, a clinic, or a clinic disguised as a hotel? My room was minimal, bordering on the austere; it offered a pleasant view of the lake, but no bells and whistles. The overall look was sort of old-school sanatorium, slightly updated but with zero indulgence to luxury—definitely not a place for flaunting Birkins.

After undergoing a comprehensive medical examination, including various blood tests to determine my suitability for fasting, my regiment began: breakfast consisted of tea with a small pot of honey (just to perk you up from panettone nostalgia), followed by vegetable soup (or fruit juice, if you don’t have diabetic issues) at noon and in the evening. Caviar Kaspia it was not—during those first days, my mood was so sour that I kept questioning my decision to be there. What the hell was I thinking? Nevertheless, I marched on.

Each morning, a caring nurse would record my weight and blood pressure, inquire about my sleep, and provide patient, compassionate support to help me cope with my grumbling and mumblings. Dr. Arina Cadariu (who’s fluent in several languages) also supported me with her knowledge, tact, and sense of humor—without ever pressuring me to participate in the countless optional activities offered at BW, or prescribing the usual (and rather expensive) array of dietary supplements. I was actually encouraged to rest, so I spent my days catching up on sleep, reading extensively, taking long walks, and joining an art class, where I tried to bring my long-dormant watercolor skills out of hibernation (a work in progress). However, if you have enough energy or can’t shake off the FOMO malaise, the activity schedule at BW offers a vast range of options, from Yoga Nidra and all sorts of meditations and gymnastics, to nighttime swims in the heated outdoor pool and breathing promenades in the surrounding woods. The list is as varied as the à la carte menu at Zürich’s Krönenhalle—though perhaps not quite as mouthwatering.

Image may contain Architecture Building Furniture Indoors Living Room Room Coffee Table Table Couch and Book

Photo: Winfried Heinze / Courtesy of Buchinger Wilhelmi

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