The Real Dadcore—A Former Vogue Editor’s Dad Just Made His Runway Debut at Chopova Lowena
Then it was game time. All of a sudden we’re lined up. I’m number eight. That’s when it struck me that I was going to be walking out, when I saw the people filling up the venue. All of a sudden the place is packed and it strikes you that people really do this for a living. They work for magazines and the internet and retail stores, so you know you have to put on your game face and do the best you can.
There were these young ladies behind me [on the lineup]. They’re young, but they’ve done this before. We’re just chatting, but the minute the photographers came over and said pose they went into a whole different look. I thought, you know, there’s a lot to learn here.
As I was walking, every now and then I would look at the audience, which is not what you should be doing, but it was on my mind. Since the venue was one where you walk through a room into another and then another, I had to keep the pace and look confident.
I was really impressed with my look. It was pretty funny, because I had these big flowers on my belt that went from front to back, so every time somebody passed me on the backside they kind of got hooked, so we were attached. I was really impressed with the pants and, well, the whole thing. It was all pretty cool, and they made it special for me from what I understand.
Believe it or not, in my everyday life, I like to have a little bit of color. I’m wearing a Chopova shirt right now with some good color. I do it to offset some of the dad vibe that I’ve fallen into. I’ll do a turquoise or green or pink polo shirt or something, and contrast that with dark jeans or black, even. I’m pseudo into fashion without being over the top, you know? Though I do have a Dries shirt lying around here somewhere!
I would walk another show, why not give it another shot? I’m not an expert by any means, but it was exhilarating. There are some fun lines I’ve seen out there that I think are pretty cool. I’ve been a fan of Thom Browne, and I mean his shorts because I think I have legs. And I like, on the other side, Brunelo Cuccinelli, the quality of that stuff is great. There’s also Tom Ford. With those clothes, you feel like you’re James Bond. I would definitely give it a shot if somebody was willing to take the chance again. They would go through my agent, my daughter, of course.
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