The 100+ Best Contact Names For Partners, Friends, and More
We don't know who needs to hear this, but basic contact names in your phone like “mom” and “Lily” might not cut it anymore. It's officially time to add a little more personality and flare to your contacts, because, let's be honest, you probably haven't updated them since you got a phone in the first place.
Whether it's your significant other, best friend, or a random contact labeled “Tinder John,” creative contact names may be the move for making life a little bit more whimsical. But how do you come up with a fun, playful contact name that perfectly explains your relationship with someone? With our help, of course. Below, you'll find a list of 100+ creative contact names for your partner, friends, and family.
You can either stick with classic nicknames for these individuals or come up with something fresh that makes you smile whenever you get a notification from them. If you're having some trouble thinking outside of the box for a contact name that will stick, consider using one of these creative contact names below. (And while you're on a renaming spree, don't forget to name your plants and group chat, too.)
Best Contact Names For Your Partner
Here are a few examples of contact names for your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, or spouse:
- Babe
- Baby
- Boo
- Honey
- Hun
- Hubby/Wifey
- Partner
- Sugar
- Sweetie
- Sweetheart
- Love
- Snug
- Cutie
- Hunny
- My Other Half
- Prince/Princess
- Cookie
- Lover
- Beauty
- Beautiful
- My Queen/My King/Your Highness
- Darling
- Angel
- Gorgeous
- Damn
- Cakes
- bb
- Squish
- PIC (short for “partner in crime”)
- Daddy
- Sexy
- Booty
- Peach
- Baddie
- Hot Stuff
- My Better Half
- The One
Best Contact Names For Your Friends
Here are some examples of contact names for your best friend and your entire friend group. Remember, the best kind of contact names for your friends are something that plays off an inside joke. Use this list as inspiration, but try to make it personal to your friendship.
- Chica/Chico/Chicx
- Best Friend
- Buddy
- Best Pal
- PIC (short for “partner in crime”)
- Bread (in their phone, you can be labeled as “Butter”)
- Homie
- Queen Bee
- Bae
- Bestie 4 Life
- He/She/They That Annoys
- Person Who Tolerates Me
- Future Boss
- Favorite Distraction
- Bruh
- My Conscience
- Pea in a Pod
- Lover of (name a food they like)
- DJ (first name)
- Evil Twin
- Lazy Bones
- Teletubbie
Best Contact Names For Your Family
Contact Names For Siblings:
Here are a few examples of contact names for sisters, brothers, step-siblings, half-siblings, and more:
- Sis/Bro/Dude
- Sack of Potatoes
- Mom's/Dad's/Parent's Second Favorite
- Middle (or if they're not a middle child, insert their birth order like “Oldest” or “Youngest”)
- Bestie/Best Bro
- Mini Me
- Short Stuff
- Bro with the Flow
Contact Names For Parents
Here are a few examples of contact names for moms, dads, and caregivers:
- Birther
- Daddio
- King/Queen/Head of the Household
- Mama/Papa/Parental Bear
- Commander in Chief
- Mamma Mia
- Wonder Woman
- Coach (first name)
- She/He/They That Sustains Me
- Dictator
- Home Supervisor
- Parental Figure
- Birth Giver
- Boss
- Big G (or insert their initial)
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