

Jurassic fossils show modern mammals grow faster than ancient ones

Krusatodon kirtlingtonensis, a small mammal that lived during the Jurassic Period Maija Karala In the middle of the Jurassic Period,…

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Stunning trilobite fossils include soft tissues never seen before

Paleontologists studying rocks from Morocco have unearthed the most exquisitely preserved trilobite fossils yet discovered. The new lifelike fossils update…

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New study finds dinosaur fossils did not inspire the mythological griffin

A popular and widely-promoted claim that dinosaur fossils inspired the legend of the griffin, the mythological creature with a raptorial…

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Tiny great ape fossils identified as new species from Europe

Two teeth, viewed from multiple angles, from the newly identified ancient ape Buronius manfredschmidi Böhme et al., 2024, PLOS ONE,…

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11 US National Parks where you can find fossils

“Can you spot the fossil?” asks the bronzed ranger as a gaggle of park visitors circle around her in Badlands…

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Exquisite fossils of Cretaceous shark solve mystery of how it hunted

A Ptychodus shark fossil found in Mexico Romain Vullo Exquisitely preserved fossils of a shark that thrived during the Cretaceous…

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New fossils of tiny, toothy early mammals could be a major missing link

The living mammal family tree is full of diverse species–big blue whales, great apes, bats, rodents, and humans, to name…

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Meet the new king of the ‘living fossils’

The alligator gar is an example of a living fossil. These plants, animals, and fungi show very little species diversity…

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Rare 3D fossils show that some early trees had forms unlike any you’ve ever seen

In the fossil record, trees typically are preserved with only their trunks. They don’t usually include any leaves to show…

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