

How plant cold specialists can adapt to the environment

Plant cold specialists like the spoonworts have adapted well to the cold climates of the Ice Ages. As cold and…

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Light-controlled artificial maple seeds could monitor the environment even in hard-to-reach locations

Researchers from Tampere University, Finland, and the University of Pittsburgh, USA, have developed a tiny robot replicating the aerial dance…

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Frozen? Let it melt with efficient new de-icer friendly to the environment

The dangers of frozen roads, airplane engines, and runways are well known, but the use of commercial products often means…

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Caleres posts mixed Q1 results amid challenging consumer demand environment By Investing.com

ST. LOUIS – Caleres (NYSE: NYSE:), a diversified portfolio of global footwear brands, reported first-quarter earnings that edged past Wall…

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Study suggests ‘biodegradable’ teabags don’t readily deteriorate in the environment and can adversely affect terrestrial species

Some teabags manufactured using plastic alternatives do not degrade in soil and have the potential to harm terrestrial species, a…

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US company rejects Mexico’s criticism, buy-out offer, says president’s projects hurt the environment

MEXICO CITY (AP) — An American quarry company on Monday rejected the Mexican president’s campaign of criticisms and closures, as…

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EV batteries hurt the environment. Gas cars are still worse : NPR

Tenke Fungurume Mine, one of the largest copper and cobalt mines in the world, is owned by Chinese company CMOC,…

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FDIC workplace probe finds bank regulator needs a ‘structural and cultural transformation’ to fix ‘sexualized, boys’ club environment’

A probe into the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s workplace found credible allegations of a toxic environment for bank examiners and…

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Cell’s ‘garbage disposal’ may have another role: Helping neurons near skin sense the environment

The typical job of the proteasome, the garbage disposal of the cell, is to grind down proteins into smaller bits…

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‘Diverse’ agriculture benefits people and the environment at the same time

Rotating crops, conserving soil nutrients and deploying other strategies to “diversify” agriculture all at the same time can yield major…

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