

Blue and great tits deploy surprisingly powerful memories to find food

Blue and great tits recall what they have eaten in the past, where they found the food and when they…

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Kenyan police to deploy to Haiti within weeks: Ruto

Kenyan police will deploy to quell gang violence in Haiti probably within weeks, the east African country’s President William Ruto…

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Hawley, Cotton call on Biden to deploy National Guard over Gaza protests at colleges

GOP Sens. Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Tom Cotton (Ark.) called on President Biden on Monday to deploy the National Guard…

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Ukraine faces race against time to deploy US funding

Ukraine faces tough weeks ahead in its fight to stem Russian battlefield advances despite this weekend’s passage of a long-awaited…

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California governor to deploy 500 surveillance cameras to Oakland to fight crime

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Hundreds of high-tech surveillance cameras are being installed in the city of Oakland and surrounding freeways…

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Army Corps of Engineers to deploy 1,100 personnel to Baltimore

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is deploying more than 1,100 personnel to Baltimore, Md., following the collapse of…

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Silicon Valley wants to deploy AI nursebots to handle your care

The medical startup Hippocratic AI and Nvidia have announced plans to deploy voice-based “AI healthcare agents.” In demonstration videos provided…

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