

How astronomers are using pulsars to observe evidence of dark matter

Tantalising evidence of potential dark matter objects has been detected with the help of the Universe’s ‘timekeepers’. These pulsars —…

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A hidden treasure in the Milky Way — Astronomers uncover ultrabright x-ray source

X-ray binaries are intriguing systems consisting of two celestial bodies: a normal star and a compact, dead object such as…

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Astronomers watch a supermassive black hole turn on for the first time

Somewhere in the not-too-distant universe, a galaxy named SDSS1335+0728 is waking up. Over the past four years, astronomers have been…

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Astronomers see a massive black hole awaken in real time

In late 2019 the previously unremarkable galaxy SDSS1335+0728 suddenly started shining brighter than ever before. To understand why, astronomers have…

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A massive cotton candy-like exoplanet stumps astronomers

Low-density “cotton candy planets” continue to be a cosmic puzzle for astronomers. Despite being 50 percent bigger than the gas…

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Astronomers still haven’t decided if Planet 9 is real

Almost a decade after astronomers proposed the existence of Planet 9, an unseen extra planet in the distant reaches of…

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Astronomers fight to save a major X-ray space telescope

One of NASA’s Great Observatories may soon meet an untimely demise. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory—an orbiting telescope launched in 1999…

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Astronomers have found what may be the smallest galaxy ever

This deep sky image (left) contains a star cluster (right) that could be the faintest and smallest galaxy ever seen…

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Persistent hiccups in a far-off galaxy draw astronomers to new black hole behavior

At the heart of a far-off galaxy, a supermassive black hole appears to have had a case of the hiccups.…

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Astronomers spot oldest ‘dead’ galaxy yet observed

A galaxy that suddenly stopped forming new stars more than 13 billion years ago has been observed by astronomers. Using…

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