
How Long Does Waxing Actually Last?

If you prefer to remove your body hair, settling on a method that works for you can take time. Those who choose laser hair removal tend to have a specific routine locked down—generally multiple sessions spaced about a month apart—while shavers make their peace with constant maintenance and tricky side issues. The other alternative? Waxing. Here, Strip’s Monica Botros breaks down what waxing involves, how long you can expect results to last, and her best tips and tricks to note.

What is the hair growth cycle?

The hair growth cycle consists of three stages: anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), and telogen (resting). “In the anagen phase, hair is actively growing, which is when waxing is most effective—waxing pulls hair from the root, so the hair needs to be in the growth stage for optimal results,” explains Botros. “The cycle can last anywhere from weeks to months, depending on the area of the body and individual factors, but on average we’d say around four to six weeks. We recommend that our clients visit during this window for optimal results.”

Is there a difference between salon and DIY waxing?

Absolutely, says Botros. “At Strip, our highly trained therapists have the experience and industry-leading equipment to provide a cleaner, more efficient, and less painful experience,” she explains. “DIY waxing can be riskier as it involves using wax at home, which may not always be applied properly—leading to uneven results, irritation, or even injury if done incorrectly.”

How does waxing compare to other hair removal methods?

“Waxing is more effective than shaving because it removes hair from the root, leading to longer-lasting results,” Botros says. It’s also less likely to trigger irritation and those pesky ingrown hairs that often occur after shaving. As for how it compares to laser hair removal, “waxing is a more temporary solution and more immediately available and affordable”.

Which body parts are safe for waxing?

“Waxing is generally safe for all areas of the body, skin types, and all genders,” shares Botros. As always, if you have any prior concerns, queries, or specific conditions to flag, it’s best to consult a medical professional.

Which body parts is waxing most effective for?

Waxing is extremely effective on body areas with coarser hair, including:

  1. Legs
  2. Arms
  3. Back
  4. Chest
  5. Pubic region

How can you make a wax last longer?

To extend the life of your waxing results, Botros suggests that you “avoid shaving in between waxing sessions, as shaving encourages your hair to grow back quicker. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs.” Other pro tips from Botros include moisturising your skin to keep it smooth and hydrated, as well as avoiding tight clothing straight after waxing to prevent irritation.

How can you make waxing less painful?

Botros recommends trying to arrive for your appointment relaxed and calm. Stress causes tension within the body, which can make the waxing process more painful. For those who menstruate, it’s also advisable to wax before or after your period arrives, as the skin in your pubic area is much more sensitive, so you may experience discomfort.

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