FKA Twigs’ Bath Thoughts: Is the Dance Floor Part of Your Wellness Practice?
What goes through your head when you’re luxuriating in a long, warm bath? Well, whatever FKA twigs is thinking is always going to be on a higher celestial plane than the anxious thought experiments and half TikTok song hooks that cycle through my own head mid-shampoo.
On the day of her Eusexua album release, twigs posted a video to Instagram from the bath: “The album is about reprieval of one’s self,” she says. “When you’re out and you’re dancing, and the music is so loud and pumping all around you…It’s about the elation on the dance floor and the ego death…The feeling that everyone there is connected to you.”
“When I’m out, nothing matters. We’re all connected,” she continues, while rinsing her hair and lathering up again. “My life is so small and meaningless, and in that moment on the dance floor it’s this big release. I can be my truest self. I’m in tune with a god, a universe.
“I realize my purpose here is to live and to learn, and one day, I’ll die. I go home after this ego death and spiritual awakening and I realise everything feels so yummy. This beautiful, soft comedown. Everything is delicious, like chocolate cake or a warm bath, because I realise I’m safe, I’m myself, I can do this. I have an infinite love and I can keep on going no matter what I’ve been through…Somehow, I’m connected to nothing and I’m connected to everything.”
A lot to take in, in less time than a deep conditioning treatment takes. A study previously reported in New Scientist concluded that taking regular afternoon baths could be linked to a moderate but persistent lift in mood among people with depression. The study found that the size of the effect was greater than that of physical exercise, a more established mood booster. Epiphanies in the bath and shower hit us all too—and there’s science behind it. The relaxed state and reduced external stimuli while in the tub or shower can bolster creative thinking and insights, by allowing for more “mind wandering”, where subconscious connections can be made between ideas.
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