
Mercury Retrograde Is Here To Cause All-Round Chaos

March 18: Mercury begins to slow down as it enters its pre-retrograde shadow, setting story for the retrograde.

April 1: Mercury retrograde officially begins.

April 8: The total solar eclipse occurs, aligning with Mercury retrograde, creating misunderstandings and the need for self-reflection.

April 11: Mercury is “cazimi,” meaning that it is in “the heart of the sun.” Therefore, it has a lot of power to make plans for the future. It’s the best day of retrograde, too.

April 15: Mercury and the centaur Chiron connect, offering us time to heal.

April 25: Mercury retrograde ends, and enters the retroshade degrees to clear up the mayhem that’s been a part of our lives for the past week.

May 13: Mercury leaves its post-retroshade zone, ending the planetary moonwalk.

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