
10 Signs of Zinc Deficiency and How to Remedy Them

While a zinc deficiency is rare in the U.S. and other developed countries, it can still happen and is extremely important to take note of. As one of the most vital nutrients, zinc is needed for our bodies to function properly.

But what exactly is the role of zinc in our overall health and—more importantly—how do we make sure we getting enough of it? The experts break down what can occur when we have low levels of zinc and the best ways to boost that amount with a few easy tweaks in our diet. See everything you need to know about this nutrient below.

What is zinc?

According to Samantha Dieras, DCN, RD, director of Ambulatory Nutrition Services at Mount Sinai Hospital, zinc is a nutrient found in the body that is essential for our immune systems and metabolic functions.

Some of the best sources of zinc are found in many popular foods that we eat, says Dieras. It is commonly found in animal protein and seafood, such as red meat, poultry, eggs, and fish. It can also be found in vegetables, such as mushroom, kale, peas, asparagus, and beet greens, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dairy products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture lists oysters as the number one food with highest zinc content, and even recommends several popular cereals (think Total Raisin Bran or Kellog’s All Bran Wheat Flakes) as food options you can turn to for adequate zinc intake. Dieras adds that some over-the-counter medications use zinc as a homeopathic alternative for illnesses or can be found in supplement forms, either alone or in a multivitamin.

Why is zinc good for the body?

Zinc plays a vital role in many of our bodily functions. Dieras explains that it is essential for our skin and bone development and it makes sure our digestive, reproductive, central nervous, and immune systems are running smoothly. Jenna Stangland, MS, CSSD, RD, performance advisor for Momentous and NBA director of nutrition for the Minnesota Timberwolves, agrees and adds that it also helps with wound healing. Maintaining proper zinc levels helps support regular growth and recovery and since the body cannot produce zinc, it is one of the most essential nutrients you get through food, Stangland says.

What are signs of a zinc deficiency?

Studies show that the recommended daily amount of zinc is about eight micrograms (mg) for adult women and 11 mg for adult men. Zinc levels that are lower than those amounts are most commonly caused by malnutrition or through certain diseases. Dieras says that a zinc deficiency can be found in people with gastrointestinal disorders, history of alcohol abuse, and those who have had weight loss surgery. She adds that it can also occur if you’re a vegetarian or vegan or if you’re pregnant and lactating. (And for kids, she says it is most common in older infants who are exclusively breastfeeding and children with sickle cell disease).

Both she and Stangland list the following as symptoms of zinc deficiency that you should be aware of:

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