PhotoVogue Festival Echoes: #4 Interview with Clara Belleville

Romain and Victor, Zrce 2019

1. What is your favorite memory of the PhotoVogue Festival 2023?

First day. When I arrive to BASE and I realized the extent of the PhotoVogue Festival. It was my first time, and I didn’t know it was such a big community with such talents. I also liked when we did the group picture. That’s when I saw all the artists together, it was a great instant, the energy was beautiful.

2. About your project ‘Entre Nous’, you said that you collected all these moments “when nothing pivotal was happening”. In a world that tells you that the important things (and therefore existence) happen in big, defined moments, did you find it difficult to capture the subjects’ “existence in an instant”,  as you said, or did it come up naturally?

Since I started to take pictures, more than 10 years ago, I’ve always remembered photographing these moments. It came naturally, I was just attracted to it.  I feel that when nothing happens it gives space and time for the soul to exist as it is and for the inner worlds to emerge to the surface. It’s not easy to explain, it’s more something you experience.

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