Everyone Is Obsessed With These Citizens of Humanity Jeans

I never thought I’d find myself on a quest as elusive as the search for the perfect pair of jeans. I mean, sure, denim is practically a wardrobe staple, but finding the right fit can feel like a never-ending journey. Let’s talk about wide-leg jeans for a moment—those casual beauties that seem to taunt me from every boutique window. With my hourglass shape, it’s a constant struggle to find a pair that won’t cling too tightly to my hips while still giving me that cool-girl edge that we all desire.

But then I stumbled upon the Citizens of Humanity Ayla Jeans, and now my days of searching for the perfect denim are over. Picture this: wide legs that cascade gracefully down, creating that coveted relaxed silhouette without appearing too baggy. Suddenly, slipping into denim felt like slipping into a second skin—comfortable, effortless, and undeniably chic. Now my firm favourite in all my denim arsenal, I’m not embarrassed to admit I wear these on a weekly basis—with a simple white tee and blazer for casual occasions, and a pair of heels when I want to dress up.

But it seems my secret has caught on as I don’t think I’ve seen a pair of jeans be shown this much love in, well, a good minute. Style influencers like Monikh and Marianne Smyth have been spotted sporting the Ayla Jeans, bringing their own signature touch. Monikh, with her cemented London style, opts for a minimalist approach, putting them with a crewneck and fashion’s favourite comfortable shoe of late—Birkenstocks. Meanwhile, Marianne speaks to our spring-ready sensibilities by pairing hers with a sleeveless cardigan and sandals—a lesson in cute, but classic styling.

So, editor-approved and worn by the most stylish influencers, do you need anymore persuading that the Ayla Jeans reign supreme? When you’re next scrolling on your Instagram feed and you notice them pop up time and time again, just remember—you heard it here first. And because it’s my job to provide you with all the intel, I’ve collated all their many different washes and variations below—just be sure to grab a pair before the rest of the world catches up!

Shop the Citizens of Humanity Ayla Jeans:

Shop More of Our Favourite Citizen’s of Humanity Jeans:

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