A nutritionist who cut down on ultra-processed foods shares his 5 go-to grocery store snacks

  • Snack foods like cookies and chips tend to be convenient but ultra-processed.

  • If you’re trying to cut down on UPFs, snacking between meals can therefore be a real challenge.

  • Nutritionist Rob Hobson shares the minimally processed snacks he buys from the store.

When hunger strikes, grabbing a 3 p.m. chocolate chip cookie or after-work bag of chips can tempt even the most disciplined and dedicated healthy eaters.

That’s probably because snack foods like these tend to be ultra-processed, meaning they’ve been designed to be convenient and hyper-palatable, where food is made particularly moreish with the perfect combo of fat, sugar, and salt.

“These foods are marketed to us, and they are quite irresistible,” UK-based nutritionist Rob Hobson, told Business Insider, “You want to keep eating more of them.” But there are minimally processed, healthier snacks at the store if you know what to look for, he said.

Hobson decided to cut down on UPFs partly because they are linked to health concerns such as cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, and certain types of cancer. They are also associated with overeating and weight gain, and tend to contain lots of salt, sugar, and saturated fats. Experts don’t fully understand why processed foods are bad for our health, but the evidence suggesting that they are continues to grow.

Hobson he defines UPFs as items containing five or more ingredients — many of which you wouldn’t find in a regular kitchen — that often have a long shelf life and come in highly marketed packaging.

He shared the minimally processed snacks he picks up from the store when he’s hungry and in a rush with BI.

Fruit and nut bars

Protein bars tend to be ultra-processed, although they can certainly have their place in a balanced diet when eaten in moderation, dietitian Taylor Grasso previously told BI.

But snack bars made with just dried fruit and nuts are a good minimally processed option that you can pick up from a store, Hobson said. Nuts are a good source of plant-based protein and contain heart-healthy fats.

He’s a fan of British brand Nakd’s bars, which can be bought online in the US.

Hummus and crudités

Another healthy snack option is hummus paired with some chopped vegetables, such as carrot sticks.

Hummus contains chickpeas, a source of fiber and protein, and olive oil, which contains healthy fats.

Hobson recommended always looking at the nutritional label because some products contain fewer additives than others.

Hummus and carrot sticks is a great, healthy snack. robynmac/iStock

Nut butter and rice cakes

Grab a jar or squeezy packet of nut butter, such as peanut, almond, or cashew, with as few ingredients as possible, and spread it on a rice cake, Hobson said.

“That’s a nice protein snack,” he said.

Plain popcorn

You may be used to enjoying popcorn doused in salt and butter at the movie theatre, but if you eat it plain, it’s a very healthy snack, Hobson said.

Popcorn is high in fiber and considered a whole grain, which is linked to a reduced risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Fresh fruit

Although it may sound obvious, fresh fruit, such as berries, oranges, and apples, is easy to pick up and eat on the go. You can’t find a less processed snack than that.

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